Thursday 25 October 2012

Work In Progress Bar! Aka motivate oneself to get off backside bar.

You may have noticed this little bar at the side here - well it is at the side currently, obviously if you've not read this post as soon as it came out then it will be a little higher (tut, tut, for not checking in more often!).

I've put this here to encourage myself to get my backside in gear and knuckle down to writing. Somehow seeing your progress like that helps get the gears turning.

As you can see it is currently untitled  Those familiar with my writing will know that titles usually come last for me. At the moment it is simply named Jake and Isabel, who are my hero and heroine, and that is generally how all of my books start - as two names.

Currently the story is complex. I can't reveal too much as there's still a lot to work out (I know you would think being 30,000 words in I would have figured it out!). There will be some sibling rivalry, a little action and some gorgeously steamy moments. Jake is very much growing on me and I fully expect to be head over heels in love with him by the end.

So, dear readers, keep an eye on that bar and don't ever hesitate to give me a prod if it doesn't go up! I need it!

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