Saturday, 24 May 2014

My Sexy Saturday

Welcome to My Sexy Saturday! This is the first time I've done this hop but anything that says sexy is good with me so it had to be done! Be sure to check out the other authors who will be sharing more sexiness at

Today we're talking about those heroes and heroines who are sexy and don't know it. They might be hot as hell but they have no clue that when they bite their lip, the hero wants to dive at them and kiss them into submission. They might have these sexiest abs possible but don't realise the heroine is just dying to lick her tongue along them. Or maybe it's something more subtle. The way they say a name, the freckles on their nose, how they get fired up when they're passionate about something. 

With this in mind I'm sharing a snippet from To Dream of a Highlander

 Finn bent, scooped a handful of water and scrubbed his face before doing the same with his hair. Rivulets of water skipped down his throat and she watched their journey until they disappeared under his shirt. His hair, darkened by the water, rested over his shoulders, dampening the linen. A small braid behind his ear, bound by leather, begged to be played with.
Catriona dropped her gaze as he caught her eye and smiled, but there was no fighting it. His strong jaw, graced with stubble, a slightly long nose and intense blue eyes all drew her attention. On his bottom lip, a small scar caused her fingers to tingle as the odd urge to trace it teased her. She watched him, unable to tear her gaze away, and prayed he did not think her strange.


  1. I wanna touch too. Whew. Very sensual.

  2. *Sighs* i love heroes who are just naturally sensual. Nice teaser

  3. Very nice...I'm drooling over here...
