Friday 18 January 2013

Authorgraph...let me scribble all over your ebook!

You may or may not know about Authorgraph. It's been around a while now so I imagine many do. It allows readers to request a digital autograph from authors on their favourite ebooks. You'll see I have a little widget on this blog that allows you to click through and request one.

I've been getting quite a few requests now and, honestly, I struggle with what to write. Do I go with a generic 'All the best.' or 'Thanks for your support.' or do I do what I really want to do and write a love note to my reader explaining how much I love and adore them, seriously, do I? It would probably take up half the book. I'm not known for putting things succinctly.

The best bit about Authorgraph was trying to do my signature digitally. I don't have a pen pad thingy (yes, I know there's a technical term for that) and I used a touch pad. Do you know how difficult it is to write things with a touchpad? Well, if you've ever tried, then, yes, you probably do. I'm pretty sure I spent a good four hours cursing and fighting with my laptop to create something that didn't look like a 3 year olds scribble.

Anyway, I digress. What I really want to know is what would you like to see authors write? And if you're an author, what do you write?

And if you fancy taking a look at my terrible lovely e-signature, you can request an Authorgraph here:


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