Friday, 14 June 2013

Branching out...

I recently finished my first fantasy novella - Eden's Fire - which is due for release next year and will likely form part of  series...if I listen to the voices in my head :) I am also planning on doing a contemporary romance hopefully later on this year.

But I am not leaving medieval stories behind! Someone recently asked me - rather fearfully - if this was it for my medieval stuff. Absolutely not! As much as I enjoyed writing the fantasy story (which is still based in a semi-medieval world, I might add), I missed writing medieval stuff soooo much. Currently I am hard at work on book 3 of The Borderland Legacy and I have an inkling of an idea for a novella too.

The medieval genre is still quite sparse. There's not many of us out there so I will never abandon it and while I do plan to dabble in other romance sub-genres, medieval is where my heart is and will always remain. So do not fear, I will always remain first and foremost a medieval romance author.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samantha

    Caroline and myself at areadersreviewblog have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award.We are looking forward to reading your fantasy and contemporary work and love your medieval romances. We have found your blog to be a great source to find out about updates on your work and learn about other writers too. You can find out more information about your nomination at the link below, if you chose to accept it:

    Tina :)
